Schedule a Call

Types of Calls

At Sports Club Advisors we’re dedicated to providing you with expert guidance and personalized solutions. Let’s explore how we can work together!

 Free Introductory Phone Call (15 minutes – Absolutely Free!)

Curious about any of our services? Let’s start with a free, confidential, no-obligation conversation. This free 15-minute call is the perfect opportunity to get acquainted and see how we can help you achieve your goals.

Exit-Pro Coaching Session (30 minutes – $175.00)

Exit-Pro clients can schedule a 1:1 coaching session with one of our professionals. Our Exit-Pro Coaching Sessions guide you through any step in the process of selling your business. With 30 minutes of focused, expert advice, we’ll help you navigate the complexities of exiting your business with confidence.

Expert Witness Consulting Call (30 minutes – $175.00)

Need an expert witness for business valuations and economic damages in the sports and fitness industry? Our Expert Witness Consulting Call offers 30 minutes of specialized knowledge to support your case. With our expertise, you’ll gain the clarity and confidence needed in legal disputes and negotiations.

Business Valuation Call (30 minutes – $175.00)

Understanding the value of your business is crucial. In our 30-minute Business Valuation Call, we’ll provide you with a broker’s opinion of value to give you a sense of what your business is worth. Whether for sale, investment, or strategic planning, this call is a vital first step.

Ready to Elevate Your Business?

We’re excited to help you in any way we can. Schedule a call today.