Free Opinion of Value

Deciding to sell your business is a big decision, and we're here to help!

The first question to ask is "How Much is My Business Worth?"

Our Opinion of Value (“OV”) is ballpark estimate of the most likely sales price. It is based upon our analysis of your company’s financial performance, plus our industry expertise, knowledge of markets, lending conditions, and comparable past sales.

It is important to note that an Opinion of Value is fluid, meaning it can change (sometimes dramatically) depending on the type of buyer (strategic buyer v. financial buyer), different deal structure scenarios, and the associated tax considerations.

Along with an Opinion of Value, we are happy to provide advice on market conditions, the sales process, pricing strategy, and deal structure. Our goal is to provide sellers with realistic expectations of the entire sales process.

If your business is generating more than $350,000 a year in revenue and is profitable, we’d would love to hear from you!

Please fill out this form to book a free consultation and Opinion of Value!

Seller Registration